Top U.S. Housing Markets For Investment

Last Updated: July 10, 2008By

By Matt Woolsey, taken from Forbes

Rahul Reddy, a dentist from Perth, Australia, has been investing in commercial properties in Western Australia for the last two years. Now, with the Australian dollar growing in strength and the American housing market strained, he’s got his eye on residential and commercial properties in Florida and California, areas he believes will recover over the long term.

He’s not alone. Encouraged by a weak dollar and a belief in the resiliency of the U.S. economy, individuals like Reddy, along with institutional investors such as pension funds and private equity groups, are seeking investment properties and development opportunities in the United States.

Their markets of choice include New York City, Los Angeles, Washington, D.C., Seattle and San Francisco.

“The U.S. is good for speculative higher-risk investments from our perspective because the strong Australian dollar will enable us to gain hold of properties at prices we will probably not see for a long time,” says Reddy. “The U.S. is an economic powerhouse that I think will recover, and if the exchange rate goes back to figures from a few years ago, that will benefit us.”
Key word there: Risk. With every passing month, a few pieces of conventional wisdom fall by the wayside. The July news that Manhattan sales prices dipped by 3.1%, according to New York appraisal firm Miller Samuel, pierced the logic that Manhattan holds unique status as a bulletproof market.

Still, international cash is flowing to cities from coast-to-coast as international buyers see plenty of opportunities.

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